Reviewer will thoroughly Examine Cannabis License Application
Green Mountain has just been notified that we have officially been assigned a Health Canada Reviewer to our cannabis application for the Highway 3A property!
As we recently announced, Health Canada changed the licensing process on May 8, 2019; however, Green Mountain is not affected by those changes and our application will continue to be reviewed under the former licensing process.
Health Canada Reviewers play a vital role towards ensuring the safety and quality standards of medicinal cannabis producers. We welcome the opportunity to work with our Reviewer in our mission to provide the highest quality products and services to patients.
With a Reviewer now assigned, the next step is the final evaluation of our cannabis application, providing any clarity requested by Health Canada. After the final evaluation period, we will receive a Confirmation of Readiness letter and will be eligible to submit our Evidence Package for licensing as soon as our facility is complete.
We expect to hear from our Reviewer in the coming weeks and we will provide further updates as we progress.
For more information, please contact:
Wade Attwood, President, Green Mountain
Investor Inquiries:
Michele Lise, Investor Relations, Green Mountain
1-833-291-GMTN or 604-612-4443